Simplify app downloads
  • With Biofy Onelink to all app stores

With biofy you get one short link or QR code to your app no matter if it's on
Apple App Store,
Google Play,
ChromeOS, Windows, Linux, Ubuntu,OS X and many more.
Instead of printing several QR codes or having several separate links to each app store, you only need one short link or QR code. Works on iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, and many more.
download app store - google app store - app store google play - app store download
onelink - biofy onelink

How to create One Link?

2 1

Click on Links

3 1

Click on Shortened URL

onelink create shortlink

Firstly, you can input the URL 

onelink 3

Now, select “Targeting” and opt for the type of targeting you want. For instance, let’s proceed with “OS Targeting”.

onelink 9

Now, hit the “Create” button and choose the OS you prefer. In this case, I’m going with iOS. Once done, insert the Apple Store link in the provided space.

oneclick 11

Now, once again, press the “Create” button. This time, I’m selecting Android and inserting the Google Play Store link.

Congratulations, you have now successfully created a ONE LINK for both iOS and Android with just a single link. You can share this link anywhere you like, and it will guide users to the appropriate locations based on their device type.